41 Quotations with Shaped.
- 1. Robert F. Kennedy: It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is s ...
- 2. Buddha: We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, j ...
- 3. Eric Hoffer: The Paleolithic hunters who painted the unsurpassed animal murals on the ceiling ...
- 4. Joseph Chilton Pearce: We are shaped by each other. We adjust not to the reality of a world, but to the ...
- 5. Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky: Can machines have souls? You ask me that and I ask you if souls can learn. If th ...
- 6. William Shakespeare: Now is the winter of our discontent
- 7. Mark Yost: History, although sometimes made up of the few acts of the great, is more often ...
- 8. Goethe: We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.
- 9. Bill Clinton: A hundred years from tonight, another American President will stand in this plac ...
- 10. Lord Byron: And having wisdom with each studious year, in meditation dwelt, with learning wr ...
- 11. Paul De Man: Fashion is like the ashes left behind by the uniquely shaped flames of the fire, ...
- 12. Christopher Morley: Few girls are as well shaped as a good horse.
- 13. W. H. Auden: How happy the lot of the mathematician! He is judged solely by his peers, and th ...
- 14. Author Unknown: How many languages are there in the world? How about 5 billion! Each of us talks ...
- 15. Salman Rushdie: I used to say: "there is a God-shaped hole in me." For a long time I stressed th ...
- 16. Anthony Robbins: It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
- 17. Elizabeth Janeway: Like their personal lives, women's history is fragmented, interrupted; a shadow ...
- 18. Phyllis Mcginley: Our bodies are shaped to bear children, and our lives are a working out of the p ...
- 19. Author Unknown: Our destiny is shaped by our thoughts and our actions. We cannot direct the wind ...
- 20. Karl A. Menninger: Our lives are shaped by those who love us as well as those who refuse to love us ...
Shaped Quotes by Power Quotations