108 Quotations with Truths.
- 21. Thomas Jefferson: I read no newspaper now but Ritchie's, and in that chiefly the advertisements, f ...

- 22. Alfred North Whitehead: There are no whole truths; all truths are half- truths. It is trying to treat th ...

- 23. Robert Frost: Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of ...

- 24. Thomas H. Huxley: Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors.

- 25. Friedrich Nietzsche: No one now dies of fatal truths; there are too many antidotes to them.

- 26. John Stuart Mill: There are many truths the full meaning of which cannot be recognised until perso ...

- 27. Karl Friedrich Gauss: If others would but reflect on mathematical truths as deeply and as continuously ...

- 28. Richard C. Cabot: Perhaps the greatest blessing in marriage is that it lasts so long. The years, l ...

- 29. Stephen King: He didn't have to worry about jagged bottle-necks after all, or the microbes whi ...

- 30. William James: A rule of thinking which would absolutely prevent me from acknowledging certain ...

- 31. Marina Tsvetaeva: A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths.

- 32. Napoleon Hill: All great truths are simple in final analysis, and easily understood; if they ar ...

- 33. George Bernard Shaw: All the sweetness of religion is conveyed to the world by the hands of story-tel ...

- 34. Gerard Depardieu: At twenty you have many desires which hide the truth, but beyond forty there are ...

- 35. William Cowper: Ceremony leads her bigots forth, prepared to fight for shadows of no worth. Whil ...

- 36. Franklin D. Roosevelt: Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning f ...

- 37. Quentin Crisp: Euphemisms are not, as many young people think, useless verbiage for that which ...

- 38. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Facts are not truths; they are not conclusions; they are not even premisses, but ...

- 39. Blaise Pascal: Faith embraces many truths which seem to contradict each other.

- 40. Adolphe Tanqueray: Faith is a theological virtue that inclines the mind, under the influence of the ...

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