82 Quotations with Including.
- 21. Simone Weil: A self-respecting nation is ready for anything, including war, except for a renu ...

- 22. Oscar Wilde: Despotism is unjust to everybody, including the despot, who was probably made fo ...

- 23. Angela Carter: Fine art, that exists for itself alone, is art in a final state of impotence. If ...

- 24. Hunter S. Thompson: If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people -- ...

- 25. Anthony Robbins: If you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide, th ...

- 26. Chris Patten: In a democracy everybody has a right to be represented, including the jerks.

- 27. Frank Dane: In polite society one laughs at all the jokes, including the ones one has heard ...

- 28. Shirley Nelson: Living every day of your life fully, including the hard ones. Being the best you ...

- 29. Wallace Stevens: Most modern reproducers of life, even including the camera, really repudiate it. ...

- 30. Adlai E. Stevenson: Nature is indifferent to the survival of the human species, including Americans.

- 31. Thomas Wolfe: Not even the most powerful organs of the press, including Time, Newsweek, and Th ...

- 32. Ambrose Bierce: Optimism. The doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ...

- 33. Dan Rather: Performing doesn't turn me on. It's an egomaniac business, filled with prima don ...

- 34. Georg C. Lichtenberg: Perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own.

- 35. Abraham Lincoln: Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time f ...

- 36. Bernard Devoto: Sure the people are stupid: the human race is stupid. Sure Congress is an ineffi ...

- 37. Bernard Devoto: Sure the people are stupid: the human race is stupid. Sure Congress is an ineffi ...

- 38. Brian Tracy: The glue that holds all relationships together -- including the relationship bet ...

- 39. Deepak Chopra: The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We crea ...

- 40. John Lennon: The pressures of being a parent are equal to any pressure on earth. To be a cons ...

Including Quotes by Power Quotations