47 Quotations with Assistance.
- 1. Ambrose Bierce: BEGGAR, n. One who has relied on the assistance of his friends.
- 2. Ambrose Bierce: FLY-SPECK, n. The prototype of punctuation. It is observed by Garvinus that the ...
- 3. Ambrose Bierce: FRYING-PAN, n. One part of the penal apparatus employed in that punitive institu ...
- 4. Ambrose Bierce: MACROBIAN, n. One forgotten of the gods and living to a great age. History is ab ...
- 5. Cicero: The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrog ...
- 6. Frank Zappa: A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecul ...
- 7. Frank Zappa: The function of government ought to be: make sure you have good water to drink, ...
- 8. W. H. Murray: This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence. Until one is committed, ...
- 9. Brother Lawrence: Act with God in the greatest simplicity. Speak to Him frankly and plainly. Implo ...
- 10. The Talmud: The sun sets without thy assistance.
- 11. Georges Bataille: At man's core there is a voice that wants him never to give in to fear. But if i ...
- 12. Author Unknown: Be more charitable: don't follow the path of least assistance.
- 13. George Linnaeus Banks: For the cause that lacks assistance, The wrong that needs resistance, For the fu ...
- 14. Marquis de Vauvenargues: Generosity gives assistance, rather than advice.
- 15. Elbert Hubbard: Give us a religion that will help us to live -- we can die without assistance.
- 16. John Bunyan: God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Spirit, for such thin ...
- 17. B. K. Sandwell: I am what libraries and librarians have made me, with little assistance from a p ...
- 18. Hannah Arendt: Immortality is what nature possesses without effort and without anybody's assist ...
- 19. Simone Weil: It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from hu ...
- 20. Confucius: Love thy neighbor as thyself: Do not to others what thou wouldest not wish be do ...
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