256 Quotations with Arrow.
- 1. Groucho Marx: Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
- 2. Clarence Darrow: When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. Now I'm beginni ...
- 3. Clarence Darrow: Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to ...
- 4. Graffito: I shot an arrow into the air, and it stuck.
- 5. Niels Bohr: An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very n ...
- 6. Sydney Biddle Barrows: I ran the wrong kind of business, but I did it with integrity.
- 7. Bob Dylan: If the point is sharp, and the arrow is swift, it can pierce through the dust no ...
- 8. Joel Hawes: Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher tha ...
- 9. Clarence Darrow: Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.
- 10. George E. Woodberry: If you can't have faith in what is held up to you for faith, you must find thing ...
- 11. Clarence Darrow: Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touc ...
- 12. Kevin Costner: I have seen soldiers panic at the first sight of battle, and a wounded squire pu ...
- 13. Clarence Darrow: At twenty a man is full of fight and hope. He wants to reform the world. When he ...
- 14. Clarence Darrow: You can protect your liberties in this world only by protecting the other man's ...
- 15. Alfred A. Montapert: Happy is the person who not only sings, but feels God's eye is on the sparrow, a ...
- 16. John F. Kennedy: When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. W ...
- 17. Robert Frost: A definite purpose, like blinders on a horse, inevitably narrows its possessor's ...
- 18. Clarence Darrow: The pursuit of truth shall set you free - even if you never catch up with it.
- 19. Unknown: It is with a word as with an arrow - once let it loose and it does not return.
- 20. Buddha: As the flectcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs h ...
Arrow Quotes by Power Quotations