Famous Quotes / George E. Woodberry
12 Quotations by George E. Woodberry
- 1. Always begin anew with the day, just as nature does. It is one of the sensible things that nature do ...
- 2. Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
- 3. I am quite sure that no friendship yields its true pleasure and nobility of nature without frequent ...
- 4. If you can't have faith in what is held up to you for faith, you must find things to believe in your ...
- 5. Is there not an art, a music, and a stream of words that shalt be life, the acknowledged voice of li ...
- 6. It is not in life, but in art that self-fulfillment is to be found.
- 7. Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse. Murphy's First Corollary If you tell the bo ...
- 8. Old times never come back and I suppose it's just as well. What comes back is a new morning every da ...
- 9. Risk is a part of God's game, alike for men and nations.
- 10. The sense that someone else cares always helps because it is the sense of love.
- 11. The willingness to take risks is our grasp of faith.
- 12. To feel that one has a place in life solves half the problems of contentment.