366 Quotations with Praise.
- 1. W. Somerset Maugham: People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.

- 2. W. Somerset Maugham: I do not confer praise or blame: I accept. I am the measure of all things. I am ...

- 3. Helen Hayes: My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that 'ach ...

- 4. Socrates: Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kin ...

- 5. George Colman: Praise the bridge that carried you over.

- 6. Leonardo da Vinci: You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.

- 7. Alexander Pope: Be thou the first true merit to befriend, his praise is lost who stays till all ...

- 8. Charles Caleb Colton: There are two modes of establishing our reputation: to be praised by honest men, ...

- 9. Michel de Montaigne: Don't discuss yourself, for you are bound to lose; if you belittle yourself, you ...

- 10. Lord Chesterfield: Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise.

- 11. Somerset Maugham: People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.

- 12. Saskya Pandita: Not to be cheered by praise,

- 13. Nagarjuna: Virtues are acquired through endeavor,

- 14. Heinrich Heine: He only profits from praise who values criticism.

- 15. Joseph Addison: Ridicule is generally made use of to laugh men out of virtue and good sense, by ...

- 16. Izaak Walton: Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to a good ...

- 17. Saint Bernard: It is no great thing to be humble when you are brought low; but to be humble whe ...

- 18. Sir Francis Bacon: Praise from the common people is generally false, and rather follows the vain th ...

- 19. James Goldsmith: Praise in the beginning is agreeable enough; and we receive it as a favor; but w ...

- 20. Johnson: The real satisfaction which praise can afford, is when what is repeated aloud ag ...

Praise Quotes by Power Quotations