49 Quotations with Informed.
- 1. Ambrose Bierce: UNCTION, n. An oiling, or greasing. The rite of extreme unction consists in touc ...

- 2. John Berger: In the modern world, in which thousands of people are dying every hour as a cons ...

- 3. Neils Bohr: Somebody once asked Niels Bohr why he had a horseshoe hanging above the front do ...

- 4. Joe Keenan: There are, however, people in this world who seldom pick up a newspaper, people ...

- 5. Alfred North Whitehead: Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. ...

- 6. J. Bartlett Brebner: Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolent ...

- 7. Bill Watterson: The more you know, the harder it is to take decisive action. Once you become inf ...

- 8. Miss Piggy: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time ...

- 9. George Washington: The general is sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of prof ...

- 10. Albert Einstein: We believe that an informed citizenry will act for life and not for death.

- 11. Bartlett J. Brebner: Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolent ...

- 12. Peter De Vries: Anyone informed that the universe is expanding and contracting in pulsations of ...

- 13. Tony Alesandra: Be smart, be intelligent and be informed.

- 14. Arnold Bennett: Because her instinct has told her or because she has been reliably informed, the ...

- 15. Harold J. Seymour: Causes don't need workers so much as they need informed and dedicated advocates.

- 16. James Stalker: How poor a guide enthusiasm is when it is not informed with the mind and spirit ...

- 17. David R. Gergen: I don't have any problem with a reporter or a news person who says the President ...

- 18. Evelyn Waugh: If, for instance, they have heard something from the postman, they attribute it ...

- 19. Cyril Connolly: In America every woman has her set of girl-friends; some are cousins, the rest a ...

- 20. Norman Cousins: It is nonsense to say there is not enough time to be fully informed.... Time giv ...

Informed Quotes by Power Quotations