600 Quotations with Almost.
- 1. Arthur C. Clarke: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he ...

- 2. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly ...

- 3. Frederick Locker-Lampson: The world's as ugly as sin, and almost as delightful

- 4. E. E. Cummings: I'm living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart ...

- 5. Joe Weinstein: My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to 99 cents a can. That's ...

- 6. Aldous Huxley: Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted ...

- 7. Rachel Carson: For the sense of smell, almost more than any other, has the power to recall memo ...

- 8. George Lois: Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit b ...

- 9. Brendan Francis: People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to gi ...

- 10. Calvin Coolidge: Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing ...

- 11. John Keats: Poetry should please by a fine excess and not by singularity. It should strike t ...

- 12. Sir Richard Francis Burton: Conquer thyself, till thou has done this, thou art but a slave; for it is almost ...

- 13. Robert Frost: Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper ...

- 14. Marshall Ganz: Young people have an almost biological destiny to be hopeful.

- 15. Thomas Bailey: The possession of unlimited power will make a despot of almost any man. There is ...

- 16. Calvin Coolidge: Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothin ...

- 17. Jawaharlal Nehru: A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and th ...

- 18. Eric Hoffer: The link between ideas and action is rarely direct. There is almost always an in ...

- 19. Madame Neckar: To love one that is great, is almost to be great one's self

- 20. Karl Buhler: By the time the child can draw more that scribble, by the age of four or five ye ...

Almost Quotes by Power Quotations