39 Quotations with Appearances.
- 21. Stephen Bayley: Taste is more to do with manners than appearances. Taste is both myth and realit ...

- 22. John Ruskin: The common practice of keeping up appearances with society is a mere selfish str ...

- 23. John Ruskin: The common practice of keeping up appearances with society is a mere selfish str ...

- 24. Emile Durkheim: The man whose whole activity is diverted to inner meditation becomes insensible ...

- 25. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The office of the scholar is to cheer, to raise, and to guide men by showing the ...

- 26. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The office of the scholar is to cheer, to raise, and to guide men by showing the ...

- 27. John Ruskin: The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances, and demonstrations f ...

- 28. Daniel Webster: The world is governed more by appearances than by realities, so that it is fully ...

- 29. Virgil: Trust not too much to appearances.

- 30. E. M. Cioran: What we want is not freedom but its appearances. It is for these simulacra that ...

- 31. E. M. Cioran: When you have understood that nothing is, that things do not even deserve the st ...

- 32. Jean de La Fontaine: Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances.

- 33. Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld: The world more often rewards the appearances of merit than merit itself.

- 34. Anaxagoras: Appearances are a glimpse of the unseen.

- 35. Tucker Carlson: No one I know has any real idea why voters are behaving the way they are this ye ...

- 36. King Hussein I: I will never work merely to make a reputation for myself, to be popular for appe ...

- 37. Clayton Moore: I am a fighter. I believe in that which is right, and the truth is, I have been ...

- 38. Dave Winfield: Tom Cruise only makes one or two film appearances a year. A baseball player can ...

- 39. Jane Truax: Botanists say that trees need the powerful March winds to flex their trunks and ...

Appearances Quotes by Power Quotations