Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IRMA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Information Revision and Manuscript AssemblyCommon
Information Resources Management AssociationTechnology
Immunoradiometric AnalysisMedical
Immunoradiometric AssayMedical
Immunoradiometric AssaysMedical
Indian Refractory Makers AssociationCommon
Information Resource Management AgencyTechnology
Infrared Modeling and AnalysisMilitary
International Rail Makers AssociationCommon
International Recording Media AssociationTechnology
International Russian Motorcycle AssociationCommon
Intraretinal Microvascular AbnormalitiesMedical
Intraretinal Microvascular AbnormalityMedical
Ir Modeling and AnalysisScience
Iterative Relaxation Matrix ApproachMedical
IRMA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary