Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does FLA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Four Letter AcronymChat and Slang
- Fellow of the Library AssociationEducation
- FloridaScience
- Fabric Laminators AssociationCommon
- Fair Labour AssociationGovernment
- Feline Major Histocompatibility ComplexMedical
- Fellow If the Library AssociationCommon
- Fiduciary Licence AgreementCommon
- Field Litter AmbulanceCommon
- Finance and Leasing AssociationTechnology
- First Lord of the AdmiraltyCommon
- Five Letters AcronymTechnology
- FlagellaMedical
- FlagellarMedical
- FlagellinMedical
- Flagellin GeneMedical
- FlagellumMedical
- Flash Lamp AnnealingCommon
- Flexible Local ArchitectureMilitary
- Flight ArticleMilitary
FLA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary